
Friday, December 7, 2012


I think I just may make it....

I think I can...
I think I can...

I think I am almost over the worst sinus infection the planet has ever seen. Like, seriously. Most of those days if I didn't just want to die from not being able to breathe, I wanted to die from the humiliation of coughing so hard and violently that I had a hard time controlling my bladder...if I started a coughing fit, it was a race to the bathroom to try and make it to the pot before I wet myself...horrible and humiliating. Short of full-blown pneumonia, the sickest I've ever been. I'm going on my fourth week of this mess. Been to the doctor twice, 2 shots, 2 rounds of antibiotics, and endless nose sprays, sinus rinses, vapor rubs and steams...but I'm slowly rejoining the land of the living.


Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming!

I so seriously need to get it in gear. Hubby and I are going to attempt to do all of our Christmas shopping tonight and in the morning and be done with it. I pray we are successful. Honestly, it's the hardest part for me...trying to figure out what to get everyone. I really am for the most part a very thoughtful person, so I want my gift to be thoughtful and meaningful and something the person would actually enjoy. I seriously need to get my crap together next year, and start with a list in January and knock it off a little each month. But if you know me at all, you know that such things are procrastinated in my world and that's why we end up fighting the crazies 2 weeks before Christmas. I guess it could be worse...I could wait til Christmas eve, but I know me... and me and crowds...not so pretty. I don't like being touched by strangers, bumped accidentally, or cramped up together standing in line. I'd probably wind up in a looney bin somewhere.

I need to get my butt in gear on the "Changing Connie" front too. My goals and determination went out the door with the "KILL HER" sinus infection. I did cut the smoking back down, but my will had nothing to do with it. The fact I couldn't already breathe totally did. weight exercise...I haven't even been to church in the last 2 weeks. Need a serious kick in the butt and pick me up. Hopefully I'll get back in the game Monday. If not feeling better soon, I may need to turn my "Changing Connie" goals into New Year's resolutions.

Everyone have a great weekend!

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