My blogging has been nonexistent apparently.
I stink.
I will try to do better.
Things have been wild and crazy lately. Some for the good, some for the bad.
Been trying desperately to finish unpacking our house. Our bedroom has been piled up with boxes in the corner, the baby's room had become the dumping ground for anything we didn't know exactly where it should go yet, and we've had random boxes stuck here and there and everywhere.We finally managed to finish unpacking our bedroom. Well...I finished at least. My husband has a small stack of 3 boxes that he still needs to go through. And we completely cleared out the baby's room. YAY! Finally. I'm only 27 1/2 weeks now. I told my husband that I'd really like to be done with unpacking and getting the baby's room ready by July 4th. So if I don't feel well and want to sleep when I get home everyday, I can. Guilt free. Cause this gal isn't getting any smaller anytime soon. I feel so huge and bloated and gross and fat. Not to mentioned tired.
It's amazing how different 2 pregnancies can be. With my first, hardly any weight gain, no morning sickness, no heartburn, no swelling. Beautiful pregnancy. Was full of energy, felt great, looked great. This time...not so lucky. And y'all I'm not normally a complainer, but lately I've felt like one. Maybe even a whiner. I don't mean to be. I swear. I'm just so tired. And I'm sick of throwing up - 3rd trimester sickness just kicked in. Heartburn galore. I'm just frankly ready for it to be over with. It's all worth it - 10,000,000 %, but I'd rather have my baby in my arms than be pregnant (this pregnancy) anymore.
We been so wonderfully blessed. We still have to paint the baby's room, but in the meantime...I've been Craigslist shopping. And man! Have I found some deals! Found a matching cherry crib, dresser, and changing table for $155. And she threw in a Boppy and a cute crib set. It has flowers and ladybugs on it. It is so cute. Then on another Craigslist run I got a whole lot of 6 items for $100. A bumbo seat, a door swing, a bouncy rocking chair, a snugli, a carseat, and a little tub. Awesome!
Then, last night, was starving, but Wednesday night's my women's group from church. So I swing through McDonald's (I know, horrible!), and get a cheeseburger and fries. I'm so hungry that I eat the cheeseburger on the way to her house, but decide they'll just have to forgive me for eating my fries in front of them. I get there, knock on the door, and no one answers. So I open the door just a tad and yell hello, but no one answers. So I push the door open all the way, and all my lady friends jump out and yell "SURPRISE!". Surprise baby shower for me! Awwww! So sweet. It was awesome. They had cooked. We had BBQ ribs, potato salad, spinach salad, baked beans and cake. (So sorry I ate a cheeseburger at this point, but I had some of it all anyway.) At this point, I'm so full of food and baby that I can barely breathe. Then we play some games and I get to open a bunch of wonderful gifts. Wonderful night! I don't know that I've ever had a surprise party before...It was amazing.
My brain's all over the place, trying to remember what I wrote about last, what I need to cover...
Had a doc's appointment yesterday morning too. Glucose test and sonogram rolled into one. Drank the glucose stuff and got my blood drawn. Then they did a sonogram to see if the Placenta Previa had corrected itself or if we were going to have to schedule a c-section early. Awesome news! No c-section! I can deliver naturally. YAY! Of course, I will have an epidural this time. (Once without drugs was more than enough...been there, done that, don't ever want to do that again) Pain free sounds much better.
I'm 27 weeks and 4 days. 12 1/2 weeks to go...
Oh, and the sonogram yesterday showed a full head of hair. The lady said she'd never seen that much hair at 27 weeks. So we're going to have a baby with some long, lovely locks it seems. How cute!
Sorry for such a short blog, but I'm going to do better and keep you up-to-date.
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