
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Persistence and Patience

Stepped on the scale Sunday, scared to death to see the damage I had done with my "no holds barred" eating. Excitingly enough, I had only gained back the 3 lbs I had just lost the week before. Whew! I can do that again, no problem!

Got on the scale this morning...already back down 2 lbs. Only 1 more to get back my pre-Thanksgiving weight! WOOHOO! Holla!

Now back to losing the other 83 pounds I want to lose. But...everything in moderation. Small goals. My first goal is to lose 20 lbs. And I'm already down 2. Then to get back under 200. I could actually wear some of the clothes in my closet I've been desperately hanging onto if I can do that! It would be like having a whole new wardrobe!

I've been thinking a whole lot about persistence and patience lately.

 * I was born with persistence, it's a natural God-given ability of mine. If I set my mind on doing something, you'd have to kill me to make me stop. Serious talk. No joke. So why can I not apply that persistence to losing weight? Love of food? Laziness? I have seriously got to figure this out so I can get in the right mindset.

 * Patience on the other hand, has alluded me my whole entire life. And it may have something to do with me giving up so easily. I have no patience. Whatsoever. At all. Patience, oh Patience, where are you?

So I've decided that it is high time I kicked myself into gear.

I will not let FOOD beat me!

I will not let LAZINESS control my life!

I will one day look into the mirror and find myself looking back at me again!

So Operation Changing Connie is a GO! We are back on a mission.

Today - working on getting back in the habit of drinking my water and counting calories. And hopefully find some time to throw some exercise in there.

Happy Losing!

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